Individuals have many options to obtain cheap and affordable health insurance. This article describes the many ways a single person can get a health insurance policy for just as cheaply as a group.
However, keep in mind that there are savings in numbers. The more people in a single plan, the better savings for every member. Some states, such as Florida, allow you to buy group health insurance policies for an individual. Other states allow two people together to qualify for a group rate. If you are the sole proprietor in your family, you may be able to claim your spouse as an employee and receive a group rate.
Another option for self-employed individuals is the NASE (National Association for the Self-Employed. This association offers self-employed individuals the option to take off all of their medical premiums as well as their non-insured medical expenses from state, federal, and self-employment taxes through a program called 105 HFR. If you are not part of a company and are self-employed, you may be able to get lower premiums by joining a group, such as trade or alumni associations. For example, as a writer, I could join a group association that helps writers secure discounted health insuranfce. For example, associations such as the ASJA (American Society of Journalists and Authors) could help writers get cheaper health insurance. Fitness instructors may choose to participate in the health insurance program offered through IDEA, with health and fitness professionals. In addition, woman who are pregnant may elect to join the American Pregnancy Association and receive government funded programs and cheaper health plans, not subject to state regulations.
However, make sure you understand that an association health plan is not the same thing as a group health plan, since insurance companies do not need to provide the same premium for each member of a association, but will most likely do so for a group.