Tag Archives: private health care

Private Health Care: Attacking the Cost of Health

We all get sick from time to time. Usually we can walk it off, if it’s the cold, or we lay in bed for couple of days if we have the flu. However, if there is something more serious at hand, we have to visit our doctor. This can be a complete nightmare if you don’t have health insurance.  You have to pay for the doctors’ examination, you have to pay for the diagnosis, you have to pay for medication, and you don’t even want to think about the money you will have to pay if you need to see a specialist. This is why health care is important, and if you can’t afford to wait, private health care would be the best choice for you. There are many advantages of private health care which we will go over in this report, but we will also see that private health care has its disadvantages too.


Private health care will always beat public health care at one point – speed. There are no waiting lists in private health care, and even if you have to wait, it’s usually no longer than a week, which is not much if you compare it to the public system where you have to wait several months for some examinations. Most private health care insurance plans will offer you packages which will best fill out your needs, depending on what kind of care you would like. You can also choose your consultant, you can choose the hospital you want to be treated in, you will get a good room, the visiting hours have no restrictions, and your treatment will begin quickly if the diagnosis is confirmed.


The one reason many people choose not to go with private health care is because it is expensive. Although private health care offers various packages based on your needs, turn it one way or the other, it will cost you more than public health care. So why would you prefer private health care over public if it costs more? Well, for once, the waiting – if you are going through a potential bad diagnosis scare, you want to know your results as fast as possible, and private health care will still cost you less than going to a public hospital and pay for everything. There is also one more problem – you can’t possibly know what illness you could suffer from in the future, so getting the right package of insurance can be a problem.

In Conclusion…

Although public health care usually offers everything, you will usually have to wait for your turn for an examination or surgery, and some lists are months long. The private health care system on the other hand includes no waiting lines, but it’s a bit costly. You can’t predict the future, so you can’t know which diseases you could have in the future; if you want to be sure that you will get your treatment no matter what illness it will be, you will have to pay more. Even if it costs more, private health care will be the fastest one to give you a diagnosis and a treatment, a comfortable room and the best care you can have.

Private Health Insurance – Is It Better?

If you get sick and it’s more than the usual cold, you will have to visit a doctor. If you have no health insurance, this will cost you a pretty penny. Health insurance is therefore very important, but the cost of health insurance is getting higher and higher and is usually handled monthly or yearly, depending from country to country. One alternative is private health insurance which will usually pay off because of its many advantages. So how does private health insurance work and what are the main differences between normal and private health insurance?

Health Insurance Explained

Depending on the country, you may have health insurance, or you will have to pay for health insurance. Some countries have the basic health insurance for all their citizens, while others only offer health insurance if you pay a certain amount. Health insurance is always good to have, because you never know when you will need a doctor. So what are the differences between basic insurance, insurance plus and private health insurance? Well, basic health insurance covers the costs of visiting your doctor for easier health problems like the flu or the cold or regular checkups. The insurance plus, or the premium insurance covers the costs of specialist examinations, hospitals and surgeries. There is a problem with this kind of insurance, because for every procedure, there is a waiting list. This is where private health insurance comes to the spotlight – with private health insurance there will be almost no waiting.

Is Private Health Insurance Better?

With private health insurance, the waiting lists are nonexistent or reduced to a minimum, so you can do most of your examination within the same week, while with regular insurance you will usually wait for a month, and some waiting lists are more than just a few months long. This can’t be accepted, especially if your diagnosis could be really ugly. Nobody should go through the waiting of several months because of this. With private health insurance you will get your results right away, and their medical staff will assist you in your every need. The problem with private health insurance is its cost – the cost is high and not everyone can afford private health insurance. Even though it costs more, most private insurances have packets that should suit their customers, be it young families or elderly couples.

Advantages of Private Health Care For Doctors

While you can get many advantages from private health insurance, so can young medically trained people who finished their education and are looking for a steady job take the advantage of finding a job there. Truth is, not every of them makes it in hospitals, as the number of doctors there is limited, so private health insurance helps them with opening new workplaces. Another good thing in private health insurance is that it boosts the competition and efficiency, because the better service they provide, the more customers they will have.